Estimated Income Tax

You are required to pay estimated income tax if the tax shown due on your return, reduced by your North Carolina tax withheld and allowable tax credits, is $1,000 or more regardless of the amount of income you have that is not subject to withholding.  Each payment of estimated tax must be accompanied by Form NC-40, North Carolina Individual Estimated Income Tax. You can also pay your estimated tax online.  

For most calendar year filers, estimated payments are due April 15, June 15, and September 15 of the taxable year and January 15 of the following year. If you file your income tax return by January 31 of the following year and pay your entire balance, you do not have to make the January 15 payment.

Use this individual income tax estimator to estimate your tax liability.

Interest for Underpayment

If you do not make the required estimated payments, you will owe interest for underpayment of estimated tax. Use Form D-422, Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, to compute the interest. Interest for underpayment of estimated tax does not apply if you had no tax liability for the previous year.

Farmers and Fishermen

If at least two-thirds of your estimated gross income is from farming (including oyster farming) or commercial fishing, your estimated income tax may be paid at any time on or before January 15 of the following year. If your income tax return (Form D-400) is filed and the total tax is paid on or before March 1, you do not have to make an estimated income tax payment.

Electronic Filing and Paying Options 

  • eFile - file Form NC-40 and your estimated tax payments using a tax professional or commercial tax preparation software. Using eFile allows you to file federal and state forms at the same time or separately, and schedule payments as far in advance as 12 months.
  • File and Pay Online - file Form NC-40 and your associated tax payment using NCDOR's eServices (no access to federal filing and paying). With this method, you can schedule payments as far in advance as 365 days.

Other Filing and Paying Options

If you are unable to file and pay your North Carolina estimated tax electronically or want to use a paper form, you can download the forms and instructions to print at your convenience or you can order printed copies of the form and NCDOR will mail them to you. Mail the completed paper form and your estimated payment by check or money order to the North Carolina Department of Revenue, PO Box 25000, Raleigh, NC 27640-0630.

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