New to Information Reporting

Tab/Accordion Items

North Carolina law requires alcohol vendors, such as beer and wine wholesalers and ABC Boards, as well as occupational license boards to file annual information reports electronically.

Type of Reporter Report by Beer and Wine Wholesalers of Wholesale Sales of Alcohol, 
Report by ABC Board of Wholesale Sales of Alcohol, 
Report by Occupational Licensing Boards of their Licensees, 
Wine Wholesaler   ✓       
Unfortified Winery permit holder    
Fortified Winery permit holder    
Brewery permit holder    
ABC store in the ABC system    
Occupational Licensing Board    


For more information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions


File your report using the Information Reporting Application

File NCIR-BW, NCIR-ABC, and NCIR-OL reports

For the best user experience, please ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of your web browser and your internet upload speed exceeds 4kbps. Upload .txt, .csv, or Excel files in the web application. You can access the file specifications on the File Specifications page. 

Important: Beginning with tax year 2023, you are required to file the annual report using the Information Reporting Application.

NCIR-BW, Report by Beer and Wine Wholesalers of Wholesale Sales of Alcohol

Report Part Made sales for resale Did not make sales for resale 
NCIR-BW Report (Submitter Section) Required Required
Beer_Wine_Customer Required  
Beer_Wine_Invoice Required  
Beer_Wine_Product Required  

NCIR-ABC, Report by ABC Board of Wholesale Sales of Alcohol

Report Part Made sales for resale Did not make sales for resale
NCIR-ABC Report (Submitter Section) Required Required
ABC_Data Required  

NCIR-OL, Report by Occupational Licensing Boards of their Licensees

Report Part Requirement
NCIR-OL Report (Submitter Section) Required
Occ_Lic_Board_Data Required


Information Reporting Tips

Where can I get more information?