2018 Advanced Seminars
The following documents are provided as support for speakers at the 2018 Advanced Personal and Real Property Seminars.
Welcome Packet
- Advanced Seminar Schedule
- Four Season Mall Store Directory
- Guilford Ballroom
- Victoria Ballroom Presentations
- Akins-Running a Successful PUV Auditing Program
- Andrews - Active Shooter Awareness
- Bridgers-Recombination of Map Parcels
- Brown & Johnson-NC OneMap
- Burgiss-State-Wide Database
- Connolly- Sales Ratio Studies & Non-Systems Valuations
- Cornelius - N.C. Farm Act of 2018 - Asset Appraisal Deviation
- DeHart-Davis - Hidden Figures in Local Govt. Leadership
- Dutton - IRPs Through the Eyes of a Trucking Company
- Flowers - Sovereign Citizens
- Huffman & Lawson - Reappraisal Standards
- Jones & Pittman-Solar Farms
- Kratz - Audit Programs & Procedures - Another View
- Kratz - Unique Audits - What's In Your County?
- Loftis - Section 42 Housing
- Loftis - The Future of Stand Alone Retail Stores
- McFarland-IRP's Through the Eyes of DOT-DMV
- Nelson - Managing through Innovation
- Pelfrey - Appeals to the Property Tax Commission
- Pope - Appraisal Hot Topics
- Robbins-Keep Calm and Food Truck On
- Rodgers & Lewis- Boundaries For Tax Appraisers
- Simpson-Legislative Updates & Topics of Interest
- Sutton - Concrete Truck Valuations - Hours or Mileage?
- Wright-Billboard Valuation Application Software
*The views and points of the presenters as well as their powerpoints for the Advanced Seminars do not necessarily represent the views of the North Carolina Department of Revenue.*