Handwritten Web Form Instructions
Handwritten Web Form Instructions
- For optimal viewing, printing and processing of the forms, please use a recent version of the free Adobe Reader software. The Internet Explorer web browser is recommended for using the forms. If viewing the forms in another web browser, please visit Adobe's PDF plug-in help page for information about enabling Adobe Reader.
- You must print, complete by hand, and file this form.
- Do not mix pages from traditional web forms with pages from other types of forms such as software generated forms, preprinted forms or forms from booklets.
- Do not use red ink (use black or blue).
- Do not use dollar signs, commas, or other punctuation marks or symbols.
- Do not submit photocopies of returns. Submit original returns only.
- Do not use brackets for negative numbers on returns. Use a minus sign to show that the amount is negative (Example: -112345.00).
- Set Page Sizing and Handling to "actual size".
- Do not print on both sides of the paper.