Electronic Services for Businesses
NCID User ID and Password
What is NCID?
North Carolina Identity Management Service (NCID) was established to control access to secure online resources for many NC government agencies, including the NC Department of Revenue. NCID, which is operated by the Office of Information Technology Services, allows you to register for a user ID and password that can be used to access various NC state and local agencies. Requiring users to have a user ID and password to view some e-Services applications means agencies, like the Department of Revenue, can better protect your private information while providing secure online services.
Will my user ID and password expire?
- If you registered with NCID as an individual or business user:
- Your password and your user ID will not expire.
- Your NCID access will be disabled if your account has been inactive for at least 18 consecutive months.
- If your account is no longer active, select the First Time NCID User link at https://ncid.nc.gov and complete the registration process to obtain a new user ID and password.
- If you registered with NCID as a State or local government employee:
- Your password will expire every 90 days.
- Once your password has expired, you will be required to select a new password the next time you attempt to login.
- You cannot reuse a password that you have used in the NCID system at any time in the past.
- Your user ID will not expire, but your NCID access may be disabled if the account has been inactive for at least 12 consecutive months.
- If your account is no longer active, contact your agency’s administrator to request reactivation of your account.
Can I change my user ID or password?
To create a new password, login to NCID. For additional information or assistance, call the Office of Information Technology Services Customer Support Center at 1-800-722-3946 or (919) 754-6000.
Can I file and pay online with the NC Department of Revenue as soon as I have a user ID and password?
The user ID and password you obtained through NCID only enables you to access the eBusiness Center. You must register with the NC Department of Revenue if you would like to file returns, make payments, or access other online services. Registration allows us to verify that you have the authority to transact business and view sensitive tax information for a specific tax account. By confirming your identity, we are able to protect the security and privacy of your tax information. Remember, you must complete the registration process for each tax type (i.e. withholding, sales and use, corporate and franchise, etc.) for which you need access to our online services.
The eBusiness Center will be unavailable every Sunday from 4 a.m. to noon for scheduled maintenance.