Form Description Filing Due Date
B-C-786 Wine Shipper Permittee Annual Excise Tax Return January 15
Form Description Filing Due Date
B-C-710 Malt Beverages Wholesaler and Importer and Resident Brewery Excise Tax Return 15th of the month
B-C-715 Beer Shipping Report Nonresident Vendor or Resident Brewery 15th of the month
B-C-750 Report of Alcoholic Beverages Major Disaster As Needed
B-C-761 Railroad Alcohol Excise Tax Return 15th of the month
B-C-775 Spirituous Liquor/Antique Spirituous Liquor Excise Tax Return 15th of the month
B-C-784 Wine Wholesaler and Importer and Resident Winery Excise Tax Return 15th of the month
B-C-788 Nonresident Wine Vendor Monthly Report  15th of the month
First Published
Last Updated