AV-9A Certification of Disability for Property Tax Exclusion


PDF • 142.5 KB - January 07, 2021

AV-9A is for certification of disability for property tax exclusion under North Carolina General Statute 105-277.1. Disabled Applicants. - Persons who are totally and permanently disabled may apply for this exclusion by (i) entering the appropriate information on a form made available by the assessor under G.S.. 105-282.1 and (ii) furnishing acceptable proof of their disability. The proof must be in the form of a certificate from a physician licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina or from a governmental agency authorized to determine qualification for disability benefits. After a disabled applicant has qualified for this classification, the applicant is not required to furnish an additional certificate unless the applicant's disability is reduced to the extent that the applicant could no longer be certified for the taxation at reduced valuation.

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