AV-6 Request for Voluntary Disqualification from Present-Use Value Classification


PDF • 161.27 KB - March 04, 2019

AV-6 Application for voluntary disqualification from Present-Use Value classification under North Carolina General Statute 105-277.4(c) Deferred Taxes. - Land meeting the conditions for classification under G.S.. 105-277.3 must be taxed on the basis of the value of the land for its present use. The difference between the taxes due on the present-use basis and the taxes that would have been payable in the absence of this classification, together with any interest, penalties, or costs that may accrue thereon, are a lien on the real property of the taxpayer as provided in G.S.. 105-355(a). The difference in taxes must be carried forward in the records of the taxing unit or units as deferred taxes. The deferred taxes for the preceding three fiscal years are due and payable in accordance with G.S.. 105-277.1F when the property loses its eligibility for deferral as a result of a disqualifying event. A disqualifying event occurs when the land fails to meet any condition or requirement for classification or when an application is not approved.

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