Franchise Tax

Document Name
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 2001-294 - 08/22/2002
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 2001-550 - 07/01/2004
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 2002-3 - 11/14/2002
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 2004-108 - 11/19/2004
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 2006-111 - 04/19/2007
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 2006-217 - 12/18/2006
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 2006-287 - 01/11/2007
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 2007-28 - 09/14/2007
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Administrative Hearing Docket # 97-990 - 09/19/2000
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Contested Tax Case Docket # 08 REV 2665
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Contested Tax Case Docket # 08 REV 2665 - 07/24/2015
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Contested Tax Case Docket # 08 REV 2665* - 12/10/13
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Contested Tax Case Docket # 09 REV 5669 - 04/21/2011
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Contested Tax Case Docket # 13 REV 18654 - 10/10/2014
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Directive CD-02-03
Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Directive CD-04-2
Corporate Income Tax Tax Review Board Administrative Decision # 410
Corporate Tax Tax Review Board Administrative Decision # 381
Corporation Income and Business Franchise Taxes: Statistics and Trends - Tax Year 2003
Corporation Income and Business Franchise Taxes: Statistics and Trends - Tax Year 2004